Tuesday, January 20, 2009

what is, getting a life?

i really wonder. does anyone actually have what people call, "a life"? i mean first of all, a "life" is a stereo-typical way of saying being active, have fun, be happy, do something useful. in my opinion. but isn't everyone's view of being active, happy, having fun, all different? so how does each and everyone get the right to say "get a life?" XD 'cause in their opinion, you might not have one, when i yours, you do. o u o ;;

the definition of 'why' && 'how' by tsu and VTF (aka mushy head) =w= <3

why- the reason of how come

how- means of the way a person did something

...haha, yeah i forgot what were specifically the definitions mushy head said. D8 my memory really is terrible.

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