Friday, January 23, 2009

fun today~

a recent pic of my character.

whoo~ i had fun today. @A@ <3 AND TGIF!

anyhows, have a test coming up soon. OTL;;
and i have homework...must finish over weekend. D;
-crawls away-

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kaichou wa Maid-sama RAW SCANS~! @A@ <33333

Haha i was googling around for -ahemcoughspoilerscough-
and i found a good website with raw scans for those who're too impatient -like me- 8'D to read translated scans!


this place has ch. 1-6 && 29-32

* H *

tsu (thinking): 不过,那 rawscans 是日本的。OTL 我真的要学日本话!
\( 》 O 《 )/''

haha, my chinese is that of a pre-schooler. =A=

comisshie pic + Kaichou wa Maid-sama

a commishie from gaia~ *w* i really liked this chara~ XD

about Kaichou wa Maid-sama!~

8 u 8 <3 it looks like there's probably going to be some Usui jealousy coming up soon due to the newest chapter on onemanga. (ch. 26) Misaki's childhood friend Shintani comes up claiming he's looking for his true love (aka Misaki), and at the end of the chapter she calls out his name in a flashback of a memory and they both realize that they know each other.

what is, getting a life?

i really wonder. does anyone actually have what people call, "a life"? i mean first of all, a "life" is a stereo-typical way of saying being active, have fun, be happy, do something useful. in my opinion. but isn't everyone's view of being active, happy, having fun, all different? so how does each and everyone get the right to say "get a life?" XD 'cause in their opinion, you might not have one, when i yours, you do. o u o ;;

the definition of 'why' && 'how' by tsu and VTF (aka mushy head) =w= <3

why- the reason of how come

how- means of the way a person did something

...haha, yeah i forgot what were specifically the definitions mushy head said. D8 my memory really is terrible.

Monday, January 19, 2009

oh dear ducky~ && Kitchen Princess Spoilers!

8D ♥ > U < ♥♥
Happy Birthday Martin Luther King, Jr.!

now for manga stuff:

Kitchen Princess

(c) rammietsu
XD finally, fan art of something, in a long long time. OTL
My little tribute to Kitchen Princess.
8 u 8 <33


There's been the whole ranty discussions about who is the Flan Prince for Najika...Whether it was Mizuno or Daichi. And I actually got to read a bit of the last few chapters in Kitchen Princess volume 10 to figure out... It was Daichi~!
I don't really know too much of how really, but anyways...XD

Summary of what I know so far:

Where the storyline left off for me was when Mizuno asked Najika out by giving her Bacci, and later on, she declines because she finds out he isn't the flan prince. She also begins to feel that even if the person she likes (Daichi) isn't the Flan Prince, she wants to be with him. As the story goes on, Najika spends more time with Daichi and he cheers her on to find her Flan Prince. Little does he know, he is actually the Flan Prince.

this is kind of explained when he finds his old childhood album and sees him and his brother, in Hokkaido. The strange thing is, that he has a picture flashback of Najika when she was little, after seeing the picture, but he doesn't remember ever going there. This is because actually, when he was little, both he and Sora went there as a little trip with his mom. At the time, his mom warned him not to pick any lavenders, far beyond somewhere, because nearby there was some timber/construction site, which was dangerous. But you know what all kids do..So, he went to pick some for his mom to please her.

What happened after was that some timber or etc. fell down from a nearby by site, and was headed to slam into Daichi when his mother pushed him out of the way, protecting him. It was for this reason that she died, unlike what people told Daichi, and afterward he suffered from amnesia and shock after seeing his own mother die in front of his own eyes.

And that's why he didn't remember the whole "Flan scene" and the trip Hokkaido.

P.S. Najika confesses to Daichi. :3


Source(s) : <--This place has awesome quality scans, translated, and chapters 39-42!

Haha, I think Shugo Chara will end sometime soon! * o * ;; i really can't wait for the ending~ (though i'm sorry tadase x amu fans) but i cringe everytime i see Tadase. it's kind of too girly for Amu. @A@ Ikuto~ <3333333333333

Sunday, January 18, 2009

you - me adventures

the strange and -unfortunate- adventures of you and me.
made mostly by mushy head and tsu.

info: me is running away from you. and then you runs away from me.
you is technically tsu.
me is technically mushy head in you's adventured. u___u

"Welcome to the North Pole"
santa: oh hi sweetie. what do you want for christmas
me: a new owner
santa: -takes off mask-

"Welcome to South America"
me: -pant- i just ran across two oceans
mexicano: welcome to the border. do you want to go to the free land?
me: ummm -shakes head NO- no habla espanol
mexicano: -takes off wig-
me: AHHHHHHHHHHH -runs away-

to be continued. . .

"Welcome to America"
me: oh look my computer
me:. . .
computer: -virusmode-

you's adventures

you: the sky is falling the sky is falling!

"Welcome to China"
asian: ni har bu har? -parodified-
you: i no speak chinese?
asian: sjbsadkhfadla <--full of asian words and takes off asian hat- you: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~

"Welcome to Mirror Land-
you: huh? where am i?
mushroom: oh goodness. i thought there were no more humans anymore
you: . . . -?-
mushroom: -wipes off moldiness-
you: VTF??????

"Welcome to the moldy Cardboard Box"
you: . . . -gag-
VTF: There is no such thing as 'clean' anymore~ >8D -fake smile-
you: -sees fake smile- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!

-runrunrunrun x 99999999-


*W*'' -setting up blog- ;P

whew...@A@ my eyes are dead. i was editing the old
template layout to make it look like this. 8'D

theme: (?) mangoes? i know, i know, mangoes aren't really all orange, so...THE INSIDE OF A MANGO!

D8 -shot- i think i need some rest.

But first I need to decide on what I'm going to do on this blog~ u___u'' I have way too many abandoned ones. LOL ;w; i guess it'll be random stuff~? aha...I really don't know. need to get off the computer more~ XP

(C) my OC~ 8 u 8 '' i drew her yesterday~